2023 Annual Meeting

We had a very productive annual meeting on Saturday, January 28th at the old Peeples Valley School House off Hwy 89.  Thank you to all who attended!

Lindon Gareis’s 1-year term was up, and he was voted in by unanimous vote for a 2-year term. 

Because the board wants to make this an all inclusive group of neighbors, each vote will pass with 51% of the families that vote, and voting lasts for seven days from notification by email, text, or website announcement.  This will amend the bylaws. 

Ray provided everyone with an analysis on the shape of the road after the significant rainfall and erosion, and laid out a plan for repair that was discussed in length.  With the information available, it was agreed and proposed that $300.00 from each family would provide the means to upkeep the road for 2023.  The $300.00 per family also includes the fees to the IRS for us to obtain a 501c3 designation and to maintain the state not for profit designation. 

Brian will be sending out the information to all of the participating families for their vote.  We are also continuing to engage with the families who opted out originally, to reconsider and be a contributing member to this group. 

After the meeting adjourned, Ray and the Fire Chief presented information on the Buckhorn Legacy Firewise Communities Plan!  You can find the details on the Firewise Community Page. 


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