Category: Road Group Information

  • 2023 Annual Meeting

    2023 Annual Meeting

    We had a very productive annual meeting on Saturday, January 28th at the old Peeples Valley School House off Hwy 89.  Thank you to all who attended! Lindon Gareis’s 1-year term was up, and he was voted in by unanimous vote for a 2-year term.  Because the board wants to make this an all inclusive…

  • The end of week 3

    In the pics below, you will quite a bit of work on the Buckhorn loop. Brushing and widening the south side of the loop and grading the west slope and the steep roadway of the loop. Also crowned, watered and compacted the roadbed from the Jordan’s to the Cumming’s property in front of the Dickerson’s.…

  • Wow! 2 weeks in 🙂

    Widening and improving drainage between Shoup’s and Eaton’s. The road surface is really taking shape with proper crown, slope and bar ditches!

  • Repairing the rocky S-curve

    The pictures below show the start of repairing the rocky S-curve! Making great progress with road 🙂

  • Working up Buckhorn!

    Below, you will see pictures of realignment, widening and rough grading. You will also see prepping Buckhorn at the Dickerson property, and prepping drainage and loading material at the Dickerson and Frankenfield properties.

  • Week 2 – March 7th

    Monday was spend making materials and completing the culvert installations at Buckhorn near Deaton, Eaton and above Garner properties. Tuesday we began prepping to lift the road bed on lower Buckhorn below the Allen’s property.

  • Friday, March 4th was a big day!

    The pictures below show the work that was done on Friday! Four pictures show the rough repairs of Quail road surface have begun! The final finish grading will begin on Tuesday! Four pictures show where we have completed the rough realignment and filling of the S curve near the Jordan property. We have placed T…

  • Lifting the road bed….oh my!

    The pictures show some of what goes into this project. Today, they are realigning and lifting the road bed as well as correcting drainage!

  • Culverts, lifting road bed, rough grade!

    We are making a lot of progress and the crew is working on plan and on target! Today there is a full closure of lower Buckhorn to allow the crew to work as quickly as possible. The Model Creek detour is open and we apologize for the inconvenience. Amazing work today! Check out the culvert!!

  • Prep for widening

    The pictures below show the crew completing the culvert and improving drainage at the driveway to 17520 Buckhorn, as well as moving the the crew out staging their heavy equipment to prepare for widening the road and grubbing the brush back! Peeples Valley Fire Battalion Chief Ronn Hernandez is also documenting before and after drone…